On Monday, July 8, 2024, the LP2M UIN Salatiga International Cooperation Centre (PKSI) facilitated online interviews with seven potential foreign students (MAs) from India, Thailand, and Yemen. Among them were four candidates from Yemen, two candidates from Thailand, and one candidate from India. Some of them plan to study in the Arabic Language and Literature, Religious Management, and various programs in the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business. The online interviews were conducted simultaneously using Zoom.
The Interviews with all foreign student candidates were conducted online through the Zoom Meeting app. The interview began with the opening by the Head of the International Cooperation Centre, Mrs. Marisa Fran Lina, M.Pd., who served as the facilitator, followed by the introductions of the interviewers, Mr. Sri Guno Najib Chaqoqo, S.Pd.I., M.A., Mr. Roviin M. Ag., and Mr. Dr. Ahmad Mifdl Muthohar, Lc., MSI. The five students were also asked about their plans after graduation.

The new candidates from these countries have a great enthusiasm for studying in at Trinity. Some foreign students also want to learn English and Indonesian when they arrive in the Trinity. additionally, there are students interested in pursuing a Doctoral Program (S3) at UIN Salatiga because they appreciate Trinitiy’s atmosphere of tolerance, which has been highligthted in several prominent articles in Indonesia. (R. ed., MFL)