Bandung, 13th November 2024. As a follow-up to UIN Salatiga hosting dozens of international students from various countries, a training program for BIPA (Indonesia for Foreign Speakers) tutors is deemed necessary. One of the most recommended institutions in Indonesia for organizing BIPA programs is the UPI Language Center. The Head of International Cooperation Center at UIN Salatiga, Marisa Fran Lina, M.Pd., along with Dewi Rusliyani, M.Pd.I., visited the UPI Language Center to learn. The key takeaways from the UPI Language Center include, first, learning how to create effective BIPA teaching materials that meet standards and are suitable for teaching to international students. Second, they were trained in teaching methods for the four skills: listening, reading, speaking, and writing Indonesian properly and correctly for foreign learners.

Also present at the event were lectures from the faculty of Education and Teacher Training (FTIK), Dr. Faizal Risdiyanto, M.Hum dan Miftachudin, M.A., as well as lectures from tfrom the Faculty of Ushuluddin, Adab, and Humanities, Betari Irma Ghasani, M.Pd., and Matrokhim, M.A. UIN Salatiga continues its efforts to provide the best services for international students. These efforts are hoped to succeed in making international students feel comfortable with their studies and living in Indonesia.
UIN Salatiga is committed to becoming a university of international repute with a vision of being a center of excellence in Islamic moderation, pioneering science, technology, and arts for the dignity of humanity by 2045. UIN Salatiga will continue to grow and remain committed to realizing this noble vision.