Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia


Meeting 3 Countries: Promoting UIN Salatiga to International Students

Salatiga, 06/03/23, the Center for International Cooperation under Research and Community Service Unit (LP2M) UIN Salatiga conducted an online meeting for UIN Salatiga International Student candidates in 2023. This activity involved 3 target countries, namely Malaysia, India and Thailand. Beginning with the opening remarks from the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Cooperation, Dr. Sidqon…
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Government Scholarship for international students will be opened soon!

Directorate of Islamic Religious Higher Education, Directorate General of Islamic Education will provide a scholarship program for international students from 2023/24 to 2027/28. The Ministry of Religion has set quotas for International student scholarships for UIN 4 people, IAIN 3 people and STAIN 2 people, but the final decision on determining the number of recipients…
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UIN Salatiga is ready to accept international students from Malaysia

02-01-2023-SALATIGA-State Islamic University of Salatiga is ready to accept the arrival of International students from Malaysia. This readiness can be seen from the visit of PT Darul Huffaz Group Malaysia on Tuesday (31/1). The visit received by the Center for International Cooperation Services (PLKI) under Research and Community Service Unit (LP2M) UIN Salatiga, which aims…
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Rector of UIN Salatiga suggests Thai students to become Indonesian Language Teachers

17/01/2023. SALATIGA-Three students from Thailand (Nurufaraai Sueni who is a graduate of Islamic Religious Education study program, Suroya Taleh and Mariam Eadyeesa-i graduates of English Education study program 2022) officially completed their studies at UIN Salatiga. The three of them said goodbye to the Rector of UIN Salatiga, Prof. Zakiyuddin Baidhawy on Monday (16/1). On…
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Dozens of prospective foreign students from different countries are ready to study at UIN Salatiga.

On Wednesday, July 3, 2024, the LP2M UIN Salatiga International Cooperation Centre (PKSI) facilitated interviews with candidate foreign students (MAs) from five countries from different parts of the Asian continent, including the Philippines, India, Yemen, Pakistan, and Libya. Among them, there were 12 candidates for MAs. Three candidates from the state of Yemen, four candidates…
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International Cooperation Centre Audience with Foreign Student Candidate of Ma’ahad Tahfidz Al Qur’an Mother Al Jazari Malaysia

On July 1, 2024, the 2024, the LP2M UIN Salatiga International Cooperation Centre (PKSI) held an audition with Ma’ahad Tahfidz Al Qur’an Mother Al Jazari Malaysia. Facilitated by Sherazz Management (SM) from Malaysia, the meeting used Google Meet. The meeting was attended by the Chairman of LP2M, Mr. Hammam, Ph.D., Head of International Cooperation Pusar,…
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Candidate foreign students from Yaman, Thailand, and India hope to study up to S3 at UIN Salatiga.

On Monday, July 8, 2024, the LP2M UIN Salatiga International Cooperation Centre (PKSI) facilitated online interviews with seven potential foreign students (MAs) from India, Thailand, and Yemen. Among them are 4 candidates from Yemen, 2 candidates for MAs from Thailand, and 1 candidate for MA from India. Some of them are planning to study S1…
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International Cooperation Centre of UIN Salatiga facilitates interviews with prospective for international students from two Central Asian countries

International Cooperation Centre (PKSI) LP2M UIN Salatiga facilitates interviews with prospective foreign students named Kashif Khan (Pakistan) and brother-sister named Wais Samadzai and Labina Samazai (Afghanistan). The interviews were held on different weeks. On Tuesday, May 14, 2024, an interview was conducted with Kashif Khan. The interview began with the opening of the Head of…
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The Rector of UIN Salatiga will grant scholarships to Filipino and PIDs.

Manila, Philippines, Monday morning, April 29, 2024, UIN Salatiga appointed 4 people, namely the Rector, Head of Institute for Research and Community Service (LP2M), Head of International Cooperation Center, and Secretary of Faculty of Islamic Economy and Business (FEBI), to do UIN Salatiga promotion to Philippines. The first agenda is to visit Indonesian Education and…
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UIN Salatiga is ready to grant scholarships to foreign students from Malaysia

In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on May 6, 2024, in the morning, UIN Salatiga, in this event, appointed three people, namely the Deputy Rector of the Academic and Institutional Development, the Chairman of the Finance and Planning Division, and the FTIK lecturer representing the Office of International Affairs (PKSI) LP2M, to promote UIN Salatiga to prospective…
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The story of Fiona, a non-Muslim student studying at UIN Salatiga

Fiona’s story opened our eyes to the openness and inclusiveness of Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Salatiga in accommodating non-Muslim students. How does UIN Salatiga bridge differences and create a fair learning environment for all? UIN Salatiga is not only a place of learning but has a vision to develop a campus culture that reflects Islamic…
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Tuesday, August 1, 2023. To welcome foreign students from India, students of the Repatriation Affirmation Program for Community Learning Center (CLC) and Indonesian School Kota Kinabalu (SIKK) Malaysia students for the 2023/2024 academic year, Center for International Cooperation, LP2M, UIN Salatiga, together with the Academic Service Section of UIN Salatiga held a virtual orientation for…
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In preparation for becoming an international campus, UIN Salatiga conducted interviews with foreign students from India

Tuesday (16/06/23), the Center for International Cooperation under the auspices of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LP2M) became the facilitator for interviews with two foreign students from India who plan to study further at UIN Salatiga. They are Mohd Rabe who will take a master’s degree in the Islamic Education study program and…
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